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Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

Greasy Pole for January 1676

ID Name SL SPs Cash Rank, Regiment/Appointment MA Last seen Club EC Player
BRJS Count Beau Reese Jean Seine 25 42 Flthy B.Bdr-General RFG/State Min. 13   Flr 4 Bill Hay
BeV Count Ben e'Volence 24 64 Comfy B.Bdr-General CPC/War Minister 11 Lotte Flr 3 Ash Casey
GdB Count Greg de Bécqueur 24 48 Rich B.Lt-General/Div Commandr 13 Bette Flr 5 Anthony Gilbert
JdG Count Jacques de Gain 24 27 Flthy General/Fld Army Commndr 24     6 Ben Brown
CdP Marquis Camille de Polignac 23 64 Comfy Lt.Colonel RFG/FMshl's Aide 4 Morgane Flr 4 James McReynolds
JJ Count Jean Jeanie 23 55 Flthy General 32 Jacky Flr 4 Andrew Kendall
TC Count Terence Cuckpowder 22 50 Wlthy B.Lt-General/City Mil.Gov 7 Justine Flr 6 Mike Dommett
BdLS Count Bernard de Lur-Saluces 22 48 Flthy Lt-General 19   Flr 3 Rob Pinkerton
HDS Viscount Henri DuShite 21 F Rich Bdr-General/1 F Brigadier 15   Flr 4 Dave Marsden
RS Marquis Rick Shaw 20 53 Wlthy General/Chancellor 2 Therèse Flr 6 Charles Burrows
ZUT Baron Zavier Ulric Turenne 20 33 Comfy Lt-General/2nd Div Commandr 4   Flr 1 Bob Blanchett
JiT Viscount Justin Thyme 19 36 Rich B.Bdr-General QOC 16 Guinevere Flr 2 Gerald Udowiczenko
LR Baron Louis Renault 17 24 Rich Lt-General/Cav Div Commandr 3 Maggie Both 4 Roy Bleasdale
CdN Sir Claude de Nord 17 19 Wlthy B.Bdr-General KM 3     4 Andrew Larder
LSD Sir Louis Severin Descartes 16 26 Wlthy B.Bdr-General GDMD/Fld Army QM Gen. 4 Edna Both 1 Chris Schotmann
NM Sir Neville Moore 15 42 Wlthy Captain RFG/C.Prnce Aide 1 Vera Hunt 2 Cameron Wood
JH Sir Jacques Hatt 15 30 Comfy B.General 4 Cath Both 3 Joel Halpern
ZvT Sir Zeold von Tu 15 27 Comfy B.Bdr-General CG/Gds Brigadier 7 Lucy Both 3 Tim Macaire
MdG Martin de Garnache 14 19 Comfy Major RFG/Gds Brigade Maj. 3 Katy Both 4 Bill Howell
FXC Frank X Change 14+ 52 Comfy Lt.Colonel KM 6 Frances Both 4 Nigel Monaghan
BS Marquis Balzac Slapdash 13 41 Wlthy Lt.Colonel DG 19 Alison   5 Matthew Wale
AlCh Baron Alvin Charles 13 32 Comfy Lt.Colonel GDMD 11   Both 2 Graeme Wilson
HWB Hector William Boone 13 28 Comfy Major RFG 5   Both 5 Paul Wilson
FS Baron Felipe Savant 13 27 Comfy Captain RFG 5 Pet Both 4 Brick Amundsen
TTT Tiny Thierry Toothpick 12 38 Comfy Captain RFG/LtGen's Aide (Fntr 5 Madelaine Hunt 1 Jason Fazackarley
HJ Hugh Jeneaux 12 F OK Major ALC/Gen's Aide 6   Hunt 3 Bruno Giordan
SE Stephane Etrange 11 27 OK Lt.Colonel CPC/Hvy Brigade Maj. 3 Thomasina Hunt 4 Neil Packer
YS Yve Stanbul 11 24 OK Captain QOC/LtGen's Aide (Cav 5 Sheila BG 4 Pam Udowiczenko
TdlL Thomas de la Lune 11 F OK Bdr-General 6   Hunt 5 Peter Card
CA Come Asiouar 10 F OK Lt.Colonel QOC 4   Hunt 4 Jacob Andersson
BN Beau Nidle 10+ 30 OK Major CPC/CPC Regt. Adjt. 2   Hunt 3 Paul Murphy
JdA Jean d'Aubergine 9+ 38 OK Colonel 4A 3 Carole BG 3 Paul Robbins
TPN Thibault Pinot-Noir 9+ 35 OK Major CPC 5 Angelina BG 3 Tim Rattray
BLC Botte Le Chimiste 8+ 33 OK Major GDMD/Drgn Brigade Maj. 2   BG 4 Tym Norris
ElF Elroi le Flingue 8+ 33 OK Major GDMD/GDMD Regt. Adjt. 6 May F&P 4 Daniel Racke
HF Hugo Furst 8+ 30 OK Lt.Colonel 13F 5 Violet BG 2 Graeme Morris
TB Thierry Boule 7+ 37 OK Captain CPC 4 Belle F&P 6 John Cooke
AA Armand Alsace 6 16 OK Colonel 53F 8   F&P 4 Sebastian Emde
PPuf Percival Puffington 6 F OK B.Bdr-General PM 4   F&P 5 Tony Taylor
GdA Grenville d'Arkrite 6+ 36 Poor Captain GDMD 4     5 Gerry Sutcliff
FdB François de Blanchefort 6+ 28 Poor Captain CPC 3   F&P 4 Peter Farrell
OLS Octo Lucretius Souris 5 13 Poor Subaltern CPC 5   F&P 5 Olaf Schmidt
JPLM Jean-Paul LeMon 5 RIP             Terry Crook
ID Ian Dediette 5+ 16 Poor   2   RP 2 Nik Luker
AH Arent Hayes 5+ 15 Poor Subaltern CPC 4     3 Mark Cowper
X4   4 0 Poor   5     3 Ben Edwards
CPL Charles PiedLuminaire 3+ 30 Poor   5     3 Nick Tyrrell
JD Jon Dicehateme 3+ 10 Poor Subaltern 4A/BdGen's Aide (LSD) 6     1 Steven Malecek
GdBm Gaston de Boum 2- 0 Poor Captain Gscn 3     5 Ray Vahey
X1   2 Ret             Mike Clibborn-Dyer

An F under SPs means that the character was at the Front, RIP means that he died, Ret that he retired.
+ against SL means it went up this month, - means it went down.
Cash: Poor=< 500, OK=500-1500, Comfy=1500-5000, Wlthy=5000-10000, Rich=10000-25000, Flthy=25000+
Last seen is the mistress the character was last seen with in public.
EC is Endurance Class: 1=< 60, 2=60-90, 3=91-120, 4=121-159, 5=160-200, 6=201+