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Amigo logoAmigo-Spiele

One of the biggest games publishers in Germany, Amigo was founded in 1980. It publishes a wide range of games and is the German partner of Wizards of the Coast. However, Amigo is also very well known in the games world for its challenging strategy board games (such as Elfenland, which won the Spiel des Jahres (Game of the Year) prize in 1998) and intriguing card games (such as 6 nimmt!, first published in 1994, and the terrific No Thanks!). You can find out more at the Amigo website.

As of 2020, I am no longer able to get hold of Amigo games directly, only the English language editions from (usually) American publishers.

The table below lists the Amigo games available from Games from Pevans. Click on the title or picture to find out more about them.

6 nimmt! (Wolfgang Kramer)

A classic little card game where the bad news is playing the sixth card in a row. The problem is that you don't know where your card will end up until everybody reveals the cards they've chosen. So simple, so annoying! £9.50

Thumbnail of No Thanks! cover

No Thanks! (Thorsten Gimmler)

A fiendishly simple card game that is simply fiendish. Just take a penalty card or don't – though eventually you'll have to, so it's a case of limiting the damage: £10.00.

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