The Wizard of Anharitte
Star Trader game 12
This is the web version of the latest turn in the twelfth 'postal' (PBM/PBeM/Correspondence) game of Star Trader GMed by Mike Dommett and published by Pevans in To Win Just Once. For an introduction to Star Trader follow the link.
Previous turns: Turn 7 Turn 6 Turn 5 Turn 4 Turn 3 Turn 2 Turn 1 Start-up
Turn 8
Sections: Corporation Table, GM Notes, Market Positions, News, PDF map, Press
The blockade by MADNESS & MAYHEM suddenly shifted to Mu Herculis where, despite its attempts to evade, Mariner was destroyed. Part of its cargo was salvaged, it is assumed, given planetary Defence Forces here have also been unable to contact the pirates.
Trading was dominated by ROCKET TRADERS this quarter again. Starting with their selling 5 Spice for 7 HTs each at Epsilon Eridani, where SOLAR SPICE & LIQUORS sold 12 Monopoles for 17 HTs apiece using agent Crip's abilities.
ROCKET TRADERS were presumably intending to trade at Mu Herculis, but COSTA NOSTRA COFFEE INC. left without competition, sold 6 Isotopes for 11 HTs each and became Dealers.
At Sigma Draconis ROCKET TRADERS overbid TREKBOER, buying 10 Alloys for 5 HTs each and gaining a Dealership, leaving the bid of 2 ignored. ROCKET TRADERS then bought 5 Isotopes on Contract and sold 10 Monopoles for 15 HTs apiece, to gain yet another market position. TREKBOER sold 5 Spice for 7 HTs each and can count themselves lucky to have done so.
At Beta Hydri ROCKET TRADERS sold 7 Isotopes for 6 HTs each and got a Dealership. COSTA NOSTRA COFFEE INC sold 11 Monopoles for 15 HTs apiece and took a Dealership for themselves. However, ROCKET TRADERS were not finished: they sold 11 Spice at 12 HTs each and gained a Contractorship.
TREKBOER landed a ship on Planet at Tau Ceti, taking OP 19 and buying a large quantity. ORCA was launched at Beta Hydri with A class crew and 6 Cargo Pods.
ROCKET TRADERS loaded Passengers for two spaceports and kept their feelings quiet.
COSTA NOSTRA COFFEE INC Launched their new ship, Chilli Coffee, with A class crew and 6 Cargo Pods.
MADNESS & MAYHEM may be taking comfort from Planetary Defence Forces not intercepting their ships in Mu Herculis System Space, though its luck can't last forever.
SOLAR SPICE & LIQUORS loaded passengers on one ship and launched their Piccolo hull, Sulawesi, while hiring Agent Dragon at Epsilon Eridani and buying 2 more Spice Factories at Sigma Draconis.
Corporation table
Corporation letter and name | Connections Bus/Crim/Pol | Init'v Bid | Turn Order | Cash | Rep'n | Player | |||
A | Costa Nostra Coffee | 10 | 0 | 1 | 5 | 3rd | 296 | 30 | Mark Cowper |
B | Madness & Mayhem | 7 | 5 | 0 | 15 | 1st | 12 | 15 | Anthony Gilbert |
C | Solar Spice & Liquors | 5 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 5th | 429 | 40 | Paul Evans |
D | TrekBoer | 2 | 7 | 2 | 8 | 2nd | 35 | 30 | Mike Dyer |
E | Rocket Traders | 10 | 0 | 8 | 7 | 4th | 361 | 40 | Przemek Orwat |
N under Initiative Bid means No move received, F indicates the Corp was floated |
Latest system map (PDF, 20k)
OP 19 was taken (from Turn 10) by TREKBOER this turn.
There are two new News chits this turn. The current list (new chits in bold) is:
Turn 9 C4, B10
Turn 10 B9, P3
Turn 11 B5
(Chits are identified by the Connection type and level required to see them and disappear/take effect in the News Phase of the turn listed.)
GM Notes
If you want to take an illegal chit – such as Slaves, Weapons or Tempus – you have to land ON PLANET to take the chit. Being in the Spaceport or System Space doesn't cut it.
When building ships: turn 1 order and lay down a hull in a named shipyard. Turn 2 order and pay for pods and crew (if not done on turn one) and ship launches. You can load it at the end of the turn, but it will not jump until Turn 3.
Questions, ask me, Clever ideas, run them past me first.