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Points Arising for July 1675

Players' deadline for August 1675 is 12th January 2024

According to Wikipedia, the historical battle of Salzbach was an inconclusive artillery duel. The French withdrew after the death of their commander, Marshal Turenne.

The Minister of State has decided that seven Brigades (all but Fourth Foot) will be in action in next year's campaign and the Minister of War will deploy them all on Siege operations (21 in the rulebook).
Field Army (Siege)
    First Division
        Guards Brigade - RFG CG KM
        1st Foot Brigade - RM PM
    Second Division
        2nd Foot Brigade - 13F 53F
        3rd Foot Brigade - 27M 4A
    Frontier Division
        Frontier Regiments
        RNHB Regiment
    Cavalry Division
        Horse Guards Brigade - DG QOC
        Heavy Brigade - ALC CPC
    Dragoon Brigade - GDMD PLLD

All military appointments lapse at the end of August and the new posts (according to the new organisation above) will be filled at the beginning of September. With your orders for August let me have your applications for posts (to be resolved at the start of September) Your applications may be conditional on possible promotions in August. Remember: if you have a brevet rank, you can only get a military appointment at that rank (unless it expires at the end of August, when you can also apply for appointments at your permanent rank).

Appointments are resolved strictly in reverse order of the Military Appointments Table in the rules (that is, from Army commander down to Trooper in the King's Escort).

The only Ministerial appointment vacant is that of Chancellor of the Exchequer and it's up to Minister of State Beau Reese Jean Seine to fill this. Or not.

Absent friends

I didn't receive orders from the following (No Move Received – NMR) and they suffered the consequences:
    Anon Les Anonyme (Bruno Giordan) has NMR'd. Total now 1

X3 (Pauli Kidd) has been floated as Pauli's incommunicado in exotic parts (though probably less exotic to an Aussie).


We say goodbye to Phil Urquhart, who's finding PFL's not really interacting with others much. Sorry to see you go, Phil, and you're very welcome to rejoin us whenever.


There’s an email group for En Garde! players and GMs, providing a forum to swap stories and ideas. Sign up at:

It is worth sending orders in even if they're a day or two late: it's possible I can still action the orders and will probably be able to use any press. It also reassures me that you're still out there.

Orders (and press) should be emailed to the LPBS orders e-mail address - you'll get an automated response when the message arrives in my mailbox. Please give your name and your character's name and specify actions in full detail. If you want a query answered before the deadline, please use the main LPBS email address.