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Pevans > Games from Pevans > Publishers > Eggertspiele

Eggertspiele logo - a winking fox's headEggertspiele

Based in Hamburg, Eggertspiele was a collaboration between Peter Eggert and Philipp El Alaoui. It started as the imprint for Peter Eggert's own games designs – such as the interesting race game, Tacara. After a couple of years, Eggertspiele started publishing other designers as well. Neuland was well received in 2005 and then there was Antike, the first printing of which sold out quickly. Then we had Yedo (2012), Glück Auf (2013), Mombasa and Great Western Trail (2016) and more. Eggertspiele became part of Plan B a few years ago and they now publish the former Eggertspiele titles.

Games from Pevans no longer has any Eggertspiele games available.

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