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6 nimmt! (Wolfgang Kramer)

A classic little card game where the bad news is playing the sixth card in a row. The problem is that you don't know where your card will end up until everybody reveals the cards they've chosen. So simple, so annoying! £9.00

Thumbnail of 6 nimmt! 30th Anniversary Edition

6 nimmt! 30th Anniversary Edition (Wolfgang Kramer)

Yes, 6 nimmt! is 30 years old! This expanded edition has different ways of playing plus a co-operative version (no, really!): £18.00.

Thumbnail of 221B Baker Street cover

221B Baker Street (Jay Moriarty)

The classic deduction game in which players explore London to find clues and solve a mystery for Sherlock Holmes. With 75 cases in the box, there's plenty of exercise for your little grey cells (as another literary detective would say): £24.00

Thumbnail of 1001 Karawane box art

1001 Karawane (Roman Mathar)

Players explore and trade around the desert, aiming to be the first to collect three artefacts. Interesting stuff: £15.00.

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Thumbnail of Aleph Null cover

Aleph Null (Tony Boydell)

A fiendish solitaire game of summoning the devil. Well, Baphomet anyway. The problem is getting the ritual right and timing its climax correctly or the consequences are hellish! £25.00.

Thumbnail of Amun-Re cover

Amun-Re (Reiner Knizia)

This 20th anniversary edition of yet another terrific design (with a central auction) from Reiner Knizia has been blinged up and expansions incorporated. It's still a great game: £45.00.

Thumbnail of Anno 1800 cover

Anno 1800 (Martin Wallace)

A complex game of developing your island nation through the Industrial Revolution. It's my kind of game: £36.00.

Thumbnail of Apiary cover

Apiary (Connie Vogelman)

Bees in spaaace! The continuing adventures of highly evolved bees, seeking out new sources of pollen and new technologies. Boldly going where no bee has gone before! There is a certain daftness to the theme, but it's a cracking worker placement game: £60.00.

Thumbnail of Apiary: Expanding the Hive cover

Apiary: Expanding the Hive (Connie Vogelmann)

A new faction, new Hive mat designs, extra tiles, new seed cards and more. All you need to add more variety to Apiary: £20.00.

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Thumbnail of Bamboleo box

Bamboleo (Jacques Zeimet)

This is one of my favourite dexterity games as it's so simple and so much fun! Just remove one of the odd wooden shapes from the carefully balanced board... Oops! Great fun: £50.00.

Thumbnail of Beer & Bread cover

Out of stock

Beer & Bread (Scott Almes)

A neat two-player game of neighbouring villages that compete over the beer and bread they produce. You have six years – of feast or famine – to outdo your opposition: £26.00.

Thumbnail of Billabong cover

Billabong (Eric Solomon)

New edition of a classic game that I had great fun with, back in the day. The aim is to be first to get your team of kangaroos to complete a circuit of the board and into the eponymous lake: £21.00.

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Thumbnail of Bios: Mesofauna cover

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Bios: Mesofauna (Phil Eklund and Jon Manker)

A scaled down version of Bios: Megafauna in two senses. First, the focus is on arthropods (insects, arachnids and crustaceans) rather than the big beasts. Second, gameplay has been radically streamlined (though the two games can still be combined). As ever, it's the struggle to survive and evolve: £43.00.

Thumbnail of Bios: Origins cover

Bios: Origins (2nd ed) (Phil Eklund, Jon Manker)

The third Bios game reaches the pinnacle of evolution: us! Starting as sub-species of early humans, players develop to create Homo Sapiens and meet the challenges as we become Human: £64.00.

Thumbnail of Black Box+ cover

Black Box+ (Eric Solomon)

The classic two-player game of deduction. One player tries to work out the puzzle their opponent has set in the eponymous box. This edition includes the original Black Box and the even more taxing Black Box+. Brain-melting: £18.00

Thumbnail of Black Friday 2nd ed cover

Black Friday (2nd ed) (Friedemann Friese)

The second edition of Friedemann's clever game of playing the stock market (it will crash, you know it will) has been revamped and streamlined: £36.00.

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Thumbnail of Blitzkrieg! cover

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Blitzkrieg! (2nd ed) (Paolo Mori)

The new edition of this terrific two-player game is still "World War Two in 20 minutes". But it's been tweaked and polished and incorporates the Nippon Expansion that was originally published separately: £30.00.

Thumbnail of Bohnanza cover

Bohnanza (Uwe Rosenberg)

Clever card game of bean planting and harvesting (and puns) that's all about managing your hand. It's been around for over 25 years, but it's still a challenge: £9.00.

Thumbnail of Bottle Imp cover

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The Bottle Imp (Günter Cornett)

Great new edition of this cracking little card game inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson's story. All you have to do is avoid holding the bottle (warning: contains imp) at the end of the hand. Simples: £14.00.

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Thumbnail of Burgle Bros cover

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Burgle Bros (Tim Fowers)

A heist is a great topic for a co-operative game and that s this game. The players take on the characters of the Burgle Bros team and raid a highly-secure office block. They have to crack the safes on each floor, extract the valuables and escape by helicopter from the roof: £40.00.

Thumbnail of Burgle Bros 2 cover

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Burgle Bros 2 (Tim Fowers and Jeff Krause)

The iconic target of a heist is, of course, a casino. So Burgle Bros 2 gives the crew a whole string of them to knock off. Each with its own grand finale. This is a bigger game than the original in every way: £47.00.

Thumbnail of the Burgle Bros miniatures box

Burgle Bros Miniatures

A set of figures (the gang members and the guards) to enhance your Burgle Bros experience. Packed in the 'Burgle Van': £22.00.

Thumbnail of Cacao cover

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Cacao (Phil Walker-Harding)

I'd have said Cacao was a bit abstract for me, but I am really enjoying it. It's all about getting your worker tiles in the right place to harvest beans and sell them. And work gold mines, fetch water and discover temples: £25.00.

Thumbnail of Caracas cover

Out of stock

Caracas (Peter Joustra and Corné van Moorsel)

Following the lead of 18th century explorer Humboldt, players document the South American landscape and wildlife. By laying tiles. The trick is to match up terrain and provide the environment for the animals: £20.00.

Thumbnail of Civilization cover

Civilization (Francis Tresham)

New edition of the greatest game of all time. Start with a single piece on the edge of the board and build one of the world's great civilisations. Gibsons have refreshed the artwork, but not messed with the game, so I'm happy: £40.00.

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Thumbnail of CDG Solo System pack

CDG Solo System (Stuka Joe and Ken Kuhn)

Based on Stuka Joe's ingenious system for playing two-player card-driven-games solitaire, this is specific implementations for several titles from GMT Games, including Commands & Colors: Ancients and Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles: £18.00.

Thumbnail of the CDG Solo System cover

CDG Solo System #2 (Stuka Joe and Ken Kuhn)

Based on Stuka Joe's ingenious system for playing two-player card-driven-games solitaire, this is specific implementations for several titles from GMT Games, including Commands & Colors: Napoleonicsand Commands & Colors: Medieval: £18.00.

Thumbnail of Chatuchak cover

Chatuchak (Corné van Moorsel and Peter Joustra)

The latest from Cwali is this deceptively simple game with brightly-coloured pieces. Once you get past the surface, it's actually a challenging puzzle: £20.00.

Thumbnail of Coach Ride to Devil's Castle box

Out of print

Coach Ride to Devil's Castle/Die Kutschfahrt zur Teufelsburg (Michael Palm and Lukas Zach)

A little card game that is deceptively simple, but fiendish. The players are secretly divided into two groups and have to use the mechanisms of the game to identify their team-mates and, between them, assemble the correct group of artefacts. Clever, clever, clever: £6.00.

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Coach Ride to Devil's Castle: Dark Prophecy (Dunkle Prophezeiung) (Michael Palm and Lukas Zach)

Extra cards to make that coach ride even more fraught. The coach's driver can play a part, there may be a traitor on the coach and new events challenge the players. It's just more paranoia all round: £8.00.

Thumbnail of Commands & Colors: Ancients cover

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Commands & Colors: Ancients (Richard Borg)

The first game to be called "Commands & Colors" , this starts coverage of the wars of the Ancient period – a huge period of history. The base game concentrates on the wars between Rome and Carthage, but there's so much scope: £56.00.

Thumbnail of the Commands & Colors: Medieval cover

Commands & Colors: Medieval (Richard Borg)

Second printing of the "Commands & Colors" game that covers the wars of the Byzantine Empire. Essentially, it's a sequel to Ancients with a lot of cavalry – including cataphracts: £78.00.

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Thumbnail of Commands & Colors: Napoleonics box art

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Commands & Colors: Napoleonics (Richard Borg)

The period fits well with the Commands & Colors style of simple wargame. The rules may be simple, but the game is very much a challenge and well produced. It captures the feel of Napoleonic warfare while being accessible to casual players: £80.00.

Thumbnail of Commands & Colors: Napoleonics - Epic expansion cover

In stock

Commands & Colors: Napoleonics Expansions (Richard Borg)

There are half a dozen expansions for Commands & Colors: Napoleonics, expanding the base game with other nations' armies and scenarios for their battles with the Imperial French plus add-on features and other ways to play. Almost all of these are currently in stock, along with the Solo system for playing solitaire.

Thumbnail of Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles cover

Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles (Richard Borg)

This is the C&C system applied to the 15th-17th century conflicts between Japanese clans: A new and influential element is the clever 'Honor' system that makes it costly for troops to retreat, but may also provide bonuses: £82.00.

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Thumbnail of Concordia cover

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Concordia (Mac Gerdts)

A brilliant card-based development game set in ancient Rome. Players expand their position on the board, boost their score and collect the things they will score for. The game carefully interlocks the different uses of the cards to give players some tricky decisions: £35.00.

Thumbnail of Concordia: Britannia/Germania package

Concordia: Britannia/Germania (Mac Gerdts)

Just what you'd expect: a double-sided board for Concordia with a map of ancient Britain on one side and ancient Germany on the other. Britannia has fewer cities, making a tighter game, while Germania has special rules for Roman forts and rivers rather than seas: £12.00.

Thumbnail of Concordia: Salsa cover

Concordia: Salsa (Mac Gerdts)

Large box expansion for Concordia that adds a wild resource, salt, two new maps (western and eastern Mediterranean, in effect) and Forum cards that add bonuses and special abilities: £27.00.

Thumbnail of Concordia: Solitaria cover

Concordia: Solitaria (Mac Gerdts)

Concordia expansion that introduces a tricky AI-style opponent, Contrarius. This allows solitaire play or Contrarius can be taken on by a team of two: £18.00.

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Thumbnail of Concodria/Navegador mini-expansion pack

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Concordia mini-expansion (Mac Gerdts)

Two for one: a mini-expansion for two of my favourites from Mac Gerdts. For Concordia, a set of Forum cards that provide new opportunities. For Navegador, one-use Privilege tiles with bonuses. £6.00.

Thumbnail of Corrosion cover

Corrosion (Stefan Bauer)

An ever-present problem with the steam-powered iron engines you build in this game is the way they corrode. You need to build rust-proof machinery in nice shiny chrome. Which is tricky: £36.00 Special offer: £26.00 (£21.67 without tax outside the UK) (or make me an offer...).

Thumbnail of The Cousins' War (2nd ed) cover

The Cousins' War (2nd ed) (David Mortimer)

Will Lancaster or York rule England? This is a two-player game of the Wars of the Roses with a clever bluffing mechanism at its heart. You need to keep your wits about you for the 30 minutes it takes. The second edition is in a larger box with larger cards and includes the Events expansion: £14.00.

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