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Silhouette of Greek hoplite

The Siege of Troy

Introduction and story / Some photos / Links for more

Another weekend-long game is being organised in the UK for November 2005 and you can find out more at the website for Once Upon a Time in Tombstone.


For nine years the Greeks have besieged the city of Troy, determined to right the wrong done to King Menelaus when Prince Paris ran off with his wife, the beautiful Helen. There is strife, too, on Mount Olympus as even the Gods have taken sides. (Well, it is all their fault in the first place!) Now the great Greek hero, Achilles, has been slain. A truce has been called so that funerary games may be held in Achilles' honour. On the plains between the city of Troy and the Greek stockade Greeks and Trojans mingle. Other heroes and leaders come to honour the fallen Achilles and, it is said, even the Gods themselves walk amongst the mortal.

This sets the stage for the freeform role-playing game, The Siege of Troy. Nearly 60 players took part in the game, which ran from Friday evening to Sunday lunchtime. Over this period we schemed and plotted, heroes fulfilled great quests, characters fell in love and married, the Gods quarrelled, true identities were revealed and the final battle for Troy took place. A successful deal was brokered by the neutral parties between the Greek kings and the Trojan leaders. Only Menelaus and his Spartans refused to agree and died gloriously in a final, futile attack on the city's walls. Zeus and Hera were reconciled and peace reigned amongst the Gods. And Theseus was named greatest hero of them all.

GM Nathan Richards listens to a question from (I think) Ajax (Mark Booth)As I hope you can tell from the above, the game was great fun to take part in. I played Nicodemus, a wandering mercenary. It was quickly apparent that I was rather more than I seemed (but rather less than others feared!). Only a sequence of disguises (and a little skulduggery) kept me one step ahead of Zeus's revenge. But only until Saturday evening when I went down under the ruler of the Gods' thunderbolts. What a way to go!

After this I took over the role of Philoctetes, Greek archer and wannabe hero. This allowed me to do some adventuring in the company of the great Herakles. Not being a demi-God, Philoctetes didn't do quite as well as his buddy. I wish I'd spotted that before we started! But he did raise his Hero status a bit. At the finale, Philoctetes was released from his oath to support Menelaus and thus did not charge the walls of Troy with the Spartans. Phew!

The Siege of Troy was written and devised by Nathan Richards, Richard Salmon, Richard Perry and Nickey Barnard. It was a 'Muse of Fire' production.

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My photographs

I took some photos of the event and have put up a gallery of the better ones. Follow the links below to take a look (but note that these pages may take a while to load).

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Links for more information

And here are some links to other people’s pages about the game.

First off, here's the writers' own website about The Siege of Troy.

Several of the other participants have made their own photographs available:

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Page created 6th December 2004. Last modified 2nd September 2021.
This website produced by Paul Evans.
© Copyright Paul Evans 2004-2021. All trademarks acknowledged. Warrior silhouette courtesy of Muse of Fire.
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