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Cover of Trepanation: a medical showman brandishes a saw over his reluctant subjectTrepanation

Trepanation (or Trepanning) is the drilling of holes in a human skull to release the illness or evil spirits trapped inside and has been going on since prehistoric times. However, the game is set in the early nineteenth century and the players are putting on medical shows, dramatising the medical advances of the time and aiming to become the most famous.

As well as gathering resources and helpers (and bribing the police), players can interfere with their opponents' plans by stealing audiences and performance times. There's a lot to contend with.

For 2-5 players, aged 12+, playing time 45-75 minutes: £30.00 (£25.00 without tax outside the UK)

In stock

I have one copy with a crease in the box lid at a reduced price: £24.00 (£20.00 without tax outside the UK)

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was designed by Robin David and is published by Games 4 Gamers

Find out more:
    Trepanation on BoardGameGeek

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Page created 14th July 2023. Last modified 9th March 2024.
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