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Rory's Story Cubes (original) eco blisterRory's Story Cubes

Just roll the dice and start with "Once upon a time..."

The cubes are, in effect, dice: chunky dice that feel good and solid in the hand and roll gratifyingly smoothly. This gives you a set of intriguing icons: say, a door, a cat, a rainbow and more. So, "Once upon a time, a cat came out of a door and saw a rainbow..."

The original set of nine cubes (neatly packed in an 'eco blister' box now) has 54 specially crafted icons, originally designed for creative problem solving. They provide over 10 million combinations – that's a lot of stories.

As a game, you can score points for each icon used in your story or vote for the best story. Or tell one story, each player picking up where the last left off. The instructions provide lots of different ways of playing as well as other ways of using the cubes.

There are several base sets (nine cubes in a box) and I still have a few add-on sets of three cubes that add a particular flavour (dinosaurs, sports, science fiction and others).

For 1-12 players, aged 8+, playing time 20 minutes

Base sets

Rory's Story Cubes (original)
The original set: 54 icons on nine chunky dice in an 'eco blister' box: £8.00 (£6.67 outside the UK)

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Rory's Story Cubes Actions box

Rory's Story Cubes Actions

54 action icons – in dark blue – on nine chunky dice in a pocket-size square box. These can be used on their own or mixed with the original set (or any of the add-on sets): £8.00 (£6.67 outside the UK)

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Rory's Story Cubes Heroes

54 icons of the heroic, whether of the superhero kind (flying!) or more ordinary (refereeing!) – in dark red – on nine chunky dice in an 'eco blister' box. These can be used on their own or mixed with the original set (or any of the add-on sets): £8.00 (£6.67 outside the UK)

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Rory's Story Cubes Mystery

54 icons of the bizarre and unexplained – in purple – on nine chunky dice in an 'eco blister' box. These can be used on their own (start "It was a dark and stormy night...") or mixed with the original set (or any of the add-on sets): £8.50 (£7.08 outside the UK)

Rory's Story Cubes Mystery box

In stock

Rory's Story Cubes Voyages

54 travel icons – in dark green – on nine chunky dice in a pocket-size square box. These can be used on their own (start "Far, far away...") or mixed with the original set (or any of the add-on sets): £8.00 (£6.67 outside the UK)

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Add-on sets

Rory's Story Cubes: Clues

18 whodunnit-themed icons on three chunky dice to mix with any (or all) of the other sets (also included in the Mystery base set): £3.00 (£2.50 outside the UK)

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Rory's Story Cubes: Enchanted

18 fairy story icons on three chunky dice to mix with any (or all) of the other sets: £3.00 (£2.50 outside the UK)

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Rory's Story Cubes: Fright

18 horror-themed icons on three chunky dice to mix with any (or all) of the other sets (also included in the Mystery base set): £3.00 (£2.50 outside the UK)

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Rory's Story Cubes: Intergalactic

18 science fiction icons on three chunky dice to mix with any (or all) of the other sets: £3.00 (£2.50 outside the UK)

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Rory's Story Cubes: Medic
18 medical icons on three chunky dice to mix with any (or all) of the other sets: £3.00 (£2.50 outside the UK)

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Rory's Story Cubes: Mythic

18 icons drawn from myth and legend on three chunky dice to mix with any (or all) of the other sets: £3.00 (£2.50 outside the UK)

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Rory's Story Cubes: Prehistoria

Dinosaurs! 18 prehistoric icons on three chunky dice to mix with any (or all) of the other sets (also included in the Primal base set): £3.00 (£2.50 outside the UK)

In stock

Rory's Story Cubes: Score

18 sports icons on three chunky dice to mix with any (or all) of the other sets: £3.00 (£2.50 outside the UK)

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Rory's Story Cubes
was designed by Rory O'Connor and published by Zygomatic

Find out more:
    Rory's Story Cubes at BoardGameGeek

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