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Star Trader game 11

This is the web version of the latest turn in the eleventh postal (PBM/PBeM) game of Star Trader GMed by Mike Dommett and published by Pevans in To Win Just Once, the games magazine. For an introduction to Star Trader follow the link.

Previous turns: Turn 13 Turn 12 Turn 11 Turn 10 Turn 9 Turn 8 Turn 7 Turn 6 Turn 5 Turn 4 Turn 3 Turn 2 Turn 1 Start-up

Game End Statements

Przemyslaw Orwat - Petroleum and other Colonial Goods

Thank you, Gentlemen, for the gameplay and thank you, Mike, for running the game!

This time my lean manufacturer & trader strategy finally proved successful. However, frankly speaking, on turn 2, when I saw Jerry cleverly building his monstrous passenger fleet, I thought the game was already over and the winner was obvious. Nevertheless, I did not modify my strategy and tried at least to come second.

For me there were no breaking or unusual events during the game, except for the EV 6 colony on MH on turn 7 - since I knew this would happen, I could buy some Monopole factories there with guaranteed instant amortization and "pure profits" thereafter. I was almost ready to "sell all" on turn 12 but I wasn't 100% sure whether I would make 2,000 HT, so I was preparing carefully for turn 13 hoping Jerry would not liquidate his position on turn 12.

The Game is called Star Trader and, had TEGWIN had more opposition, he would probably have followed a different equally good course. Operating ships with C and D class crews with Jumps that succeed on all but 11 and 12's saved TEGWIN 40-50 HTs on each ship, but would have meant many failed jumps and costs had he been jumping elsewhere. Other Players started to trade as they got used to the game, but never caught up, or really started. From remarks, it's still the trading that takes getting used to. I need to look at a way to demonstrate it without using half a book of words.

Sirius Cyber - Charlie Sundt

Thanks so much for running that game. I never quite got my head around it (as evidenced by coming in last place), but I enjoyed the ride.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

Thanks for playing. You were picking up more the more the game went on.

Costa Nostra Coffee Inc. - Mark Cowper

Well, another game ends just when I was getting going. Actually, that is not correct, as I was actually going nowhere. The more I play this game the more convinced I am that taking out loans is a bad move - servicing debt is crippling and I spent the whole time wondering how to pay it back - all to get a shiny Spear. Anyway, it looked nice as it hung about Mu Herculis terrorising the locals. It was definitely earning cash, though I'd avoid a blanket exemption without payment in advance. Congratulations to PCG and Przemek on a clear win, though TNT would have pipped him if he'd known it was cash-up time, so take an "If only..." victory here, Jerry!

Mind you, to generate maximum value from his ships TEGWIN would have had to jump to low value systems and run the risk of defenceless ships being intercepted. The sudden surge of available passengers for those loading them if available might have tipped others off.

Debt needs to pay back the interest on the loan at a minimum. It can be difficult and taking out a loan without a plan for the cash to give a return...

Thanks to Mike for running the game and answering my queries.

Amalgamated Interstellar Minerals - Paul Evans

As a change from my usual strategy of trading in goods that do not require space in Cargo pods, I thought I'd try specializing in Alloys and Isotopes this time. With a sideline in smuggling as/when the opportunity presented itself. However, my trading took too long to get off the ground and there were no smuggling opportunities that I could profit from. Sigh.

I think Jerry needs some competition for his space liners next time.

Thanks to all for another fun game and especially to Mike for GMing.

I agree. The opportunities were rarely the small volume valuable items, and TEGWIN took the one that did happen.

GM Notes

The Passenger option is very attractive if you are largely unopposed. TEGWIN was getting upwards of 200 HT's every turn profit, just using C and D class crews and shifting between the 4 high level systems. A competitor would need similar numbers of ships and outbid on initiative often enough to lower margins. Perhaps a mixed goods and passengers would then be more viable, using Phoenix hulls.

Shifting between high law level systems means the protection of high patrol levels a threat to interceptors, who would need top crews and a Battle Com pod in order to operate with success. But the lack of serious opposition allows the strategy a very good chance of winning.

I still think trading, buying cheap and selling dear whatever you can makes sense, but it can be distracting. Talking to other players and sharing information can also make a big difference, as can informal arrangements.

I thank all the players for taking part and hope you liked it and will consider another game.

Waiting lists are open for the next game.